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Brio Lang Examples

This page contains a few code examples to demonstrate what Brio Lang can do!

Send an SMS via Twilio

# Example: send a text message via Twilio

class Twilio{
    method init(){
        # set common instance variables 
        @baseUrl = ""
        @accountSid = getEnv("AccountSid")
        @authToken = getEnv("AuthToken")
        @from_ = getEnv("From")

    method sendText(number, message){
        # invoke the Twilio API to send a sms text
        let url = @baseUrl + "/" + @accountSid + "/Messages.json"
        let data = "From=" + @from_ + "&Body=" + message + "&To=" + number
        httpPost(url, @accountSid, @authToken, data);

method main(){
    # instantiate Twilio class and invoke method
    let client = new Twilio()
    client.sendText("+16501112222", "Hello world!")
    print("message was sent!")

Web Application

Brio Lang can also be used to write server-side applications using the FastCGI protocol.

method main(environ){
    let headers = "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
    let index = open("index.html", "r")  # <h1>Hello world</h1>
    let body =;
    return headers + body;
$ spawn-fcgi -p 8000 -n -- ./bin/brio -fcgi ./path/to/server.brio

After running spawn-fcgi, you may now issue requests to your HTTP server http://localhost which will pass the request to your Brio Lang application. Please note that your HTTP server must be configured appropriately, for example NGINX would have the following definition:

events {
  worker_connections 1024;

http {
  server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {

      fastcgi_param  GATEWAY_INTERFACE  CGI/1.1;
      fastcgi_param  SERVER_SOFTWARE    nginx;
      fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING       $query_string;
      fastcgi_param  REQUEST_METHOD     $request_method;
      fastcgi_param  CONTENT_TYPE       $content_type;
      fastcgi_param  CONTENT_LENGTH     $content_length;
      fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME    $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
      fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME        $fastcgi_script_name;
      fastcgi_param  REQUEST_URI        $request_uri;
      fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_URI       $document_uri;
      fastcgi_param  DOCUMENT_ROOT      $document_root;
      fastcgi_param  SERVER_PROTOCOL    $server_protocol;
      fastcgi_param  REMOTE_ADDR        $remote_addr;
      fastcgi_param  REMOTE_PORT        $remote_port;
      fastcgi_param  SERVER_ADDR        $server_addr;
      fastcgi_param  SERVER_PORT        $server_port;
      fastcgi_param  SERVER_NAME        $server_name;

In the future when a built-in Socket abstraction is introduced, an HTTP server can be run directly within Brio Lang without requiring a separate component.

Reversing a String

method reverse(value){
    let newString = ""

    each (let c : value){
        newString = c + newString

    return newString

method main(){
    let x = reverse("Brio Lang")
$ brio my_app.brio
gnaL oirB

JSON Parser

The type values of a JSON token.
class TokenType {
    let EOF = 0  # special token for end of file
    let L_BRACE = 1  # {
    let R_BRACE = 2  # }
    let L_BRACKET = 3  # [
    let R_BRACKET = 4  # ]
    let COLON = 5  # :
    let COMMA = 6  # ,
    let LITERAL_STR = 7  # "foo"
    let LITERAL_INT = 8  # 50
    let LITERAL_DECIMAL = 9  # 3.14
    let LITERAL_BOOL = 10  # true

Class to represent a JSON token.
class Token {
    method init(type, text){
        @type = type
        @text = text

Special exception for JSON parsing errors.
class JsonException {}

Lexer that takes a string input and outputs an array of tokens.
class JsonLexer {
    method init(data){
        @data = data
        @index = 0
        @character = data[0]        

    method nextToken(){
        # retrieve the next token from input
        while (@character != "EOF"){
            if (@character == " "){
            }elseif (@character == "{"){
                return new Token(TokenType.L_BRACE, "{")
            }elseif (@character == "}"){
                return new Token(TokenType.R_BRACE, "}")
            }elseif (@character == "["){
                return new Token(TokenType.L_BRACKET, "[")
            }elseif (@character == "]"){
                return new Token(TokenType.R_BRACKET, "]")
            }elseif (@character == ":"){
                return new Token(TokenType.COLON, ":")
            }elseif (@character == ","){
                return new Token(TokenType.COMMA, ",")
            }elseif (@character == '"'){
                return @str()
            }elseif (@isNumber()){
                return @number()
                return @keyword()
        return new Token(TokenType.EOF, "")

    method consume(){
        # advance the index by one and fetch the next character
        @index += 1
        if (@index >= @data.size()){
            @character = "EOF"
            @character = @data[@index]

    method whitespace(){
        # match whitespace rules
        while (@character == " "){

    method keyword(){
        # match keyword rules
        let value = ""
        while (@character.isalpha()){
            value += @character

        if (@isBool(value)){
            return new Token(TokenType.LITERAL_BOOL, value)
            raise JsonException("Unexpected Keyword")

    method str(){
        # match string rules
        let value = ""
        while (@character != '"'){
            value += @character
        return new Token(TokenType.LITERAL_STR, value)

    method isBool(value){
        # determine if string is a boolean value
        if (value == "true"){
            return true
        }elseif (value == "false"){
            return true
        return false

    method isNumber(){
        # determine if current character is a number 
        if (@character.isdigit()){
            return true
        return false

    method isDecimal(value){
        # determine if provided value is a decimal
        each (let c : value){
            if (c == "."){
                return true
        return false

    method number(){
        # match number rules
        let value = ""

        while(@isNumber() or @character == "."){
            value += @character

        if (@isDecimal(value)){
            return new Token(TokenType.LITERAL_DECIMAL, value)
        return new Token(TokenType.LITERAL_INT, value)

Parser that takes tokens from the lexer and produces a Brio object.
class JsonParser {
    method init(lexer){
        @lexer = lexer
        @p = 0
        @tokens = []

    method lt(i){
        # fetch lookahead token at specified index
        return @tokens[@p + i - 1]

    method la(i){
        # fetch lookahead token type at specified index
        let token = @lt(i)
        return token.type

    method consume(){
        # advance the token index by one
        @p += 1

    method match(token_type){
        # consume token if it is the expected type
        if (@la(1) == token_type){
        }else {
            raise JsonException("Unexpected Token")

    method parse(){
        # fetch tokens from the lexer
        let valid = true
        while (valid){
            let token = @lexer.nextToken()
            if (token.type == TokenType.EOF){
                valid = false

        # parse JSON object or array
        if (@la(1) == TokenType.L_BRACE){
            return @object()
        }elseif (@la(1) == TokenType.L_BRACKET){
            return @list()
            raise JsonException("Invalid JSON")

    method object(){
        # match object rules
        let result = {}


        while(@la(1) != TokenType.R_BRACE){
            let key = @id()
            let value = @term()

            result[key] = value

            if (@la(1) == TokenType.COMMA){

        return result

    method list(){
        # match list rules
        let result = []


        while(@la(1) != TokenType.R_BRACKET){
            let value = @term()

            if (@la(1) == TokenType.COMMA){

        return result

    method id(){
        # match id rules
        if (@la(1) == TokenType.LITERAL_STR){
            return @str()
        }elseif (@la(1) == TokenType.LITERAL_DECIMAL){
            return @dec()
        }elseif (@la(1) == TokenType.LITERAL_INT){
            return @int()
        raise JsonException("Invalid JSON")

    method term(){
        # match term rules
        if (@la(1) == TokenType.L_BRACE){
            return @object()
        }elseif (@la(1) == TokenType.L_BRACKET){
            return @list()
        }elseif (@la(1) == TokenType.LITERAL_BOOL){
            return @bool()
            return @id()

    method str(){
        # match str rules
        let token = @lt(1)
        return token.text

    method int(){
        # match int rules
        let token = @lt(1)
        return integer(token.text)

    method dec(){
        # match decimal rules
        let token = @lt(1)
        return decimal(token.text)

    method bool(){
        # match boolean rules
        let token = @lt(1)
        if (token.text == "true"){
            return true
            return false

Parses a string into a JSON object (dictionary or array).
method parse(text){
    let lexer = new JsonLexer(text)
    let parser = new JsonParser(lexer)
    return parser.parse()

Stringifies a JSON object (dictionary or array).
method dump(data){
    return string(data)